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Welcome to Musicians Collaboration Studio!
Welcome Back To Musicians Collaboration Studio!
We are still the Friendliest and Easiest Collab site online!
I want to welcome you back to MCS while we continue to be the premier Online Music Collaboration site!
AndyG6508: Hi Nick, I use the dark mode. NickT: Just Curious. How many of you use the dark mode for the site? napoleonboot: really how active MCS is again! NickT: I'm glad we are using the site. Always feels like home! r4m: Looks like things might be picking up a little! Feels good to be hanging with gang again! Studioplayer: Listening to the player as well. Can't believe all these great tunes came out of this place, AMAZING!! NickT: Right? r4m: Listening to MCS mp3 Player. WOW! napoleonboot: Happy New Year Mimmo: Happy New Year to all of you out there in the music collaboration world, and hoping the New Year will bring peace everywhere!!! View Shout History