Sounds fantastic!! Ooo lala!
Bill, I think the counterpoint idea worked really well. I'm not used to hearing meself so prominent in a mix! The guitar/keyboard we do works very well, I think.
George, you play a villainous, corrupt American Preacher from the south with a lion in your pants, very well! You could probably make an AI video for that. I'm staying away from that one.

You made the song, as always!
I just now realized we were a three piece on this one. That's why it sounds just like Rush!

Great job guys, Bill you spent a lot of time on the mix and really shined that apple up.
Reminds me of being a kid, probably the first time alone on the merry go round. Scared at first (George's lion) but at the end of the ride I was like "let's do it again! let's do it again!"
"again" !!