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Bed Tracks For Auditions - Drummers Preferences

sleeker · 10 · 18931

Offline sleeker

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Apart from the file type, I feel there are a few different preferences on how we like the bedtrack.

As a drummer I personally prefer a stereo mix recorded originally to a click or drum machine, with an 8 click intro, along with the bpm.
I can then import it into Cubase, line up the 8 click intro, and adjust the click volume in cubase to suit, thus giving me a very inspirational sound in the cans  :)
But I do realise that some of the other guys prefer a click panned left and the music panned right.
Is it a bit much to ask them to post both?

Thoughts anyone?

« Last Edit: March 09, 2006, 03:38:33 PM by NickT »
Roland V Drums

Offline groverk

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I would have to agree with Sleeker.

Click on one side and bed on the other works excellent, but if given the choice I would rather have an 8 click intro into a stereo mix.


Offline Bassic_Soul

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Because different people like it done in different ways, wouldn't it do to state your preference for the type of mix you'd like when you get involved with the thread?

Or perhaps there's a place in your member profile that you could state how you'd like your tracking mix so you didn't have to type it out repeatedly....



Offline Pleasuredome

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I'm with you on that Bassic Soul!

The idea of the preference on the profile I don't see working though, since you wouldn't know which drummer was going to bite and be interested in auditioning the song.

Communication of requirements by the drummer when they join the thread is the most logical way I would suggest but that's just MHO, I'm not a drummer (although I'd like to be!).

S, If the auditioner wants the drums I suppose they may need to create both types of click. I think it wouldn't be long before people got proficient at either procedure for making them (and possibly broaden their knowledge of their DAW on the way!).

Just my fifty cents.

Offline Rattlehed

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i think if there's a 8 click intro,theh you drummers, should beable to provide your own click, if you need one. or am i wrong in this assumption?

Offline groverk

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For me your absolutely right Pat. I use Pro Tools and Sonar and can create my own click in both of them as long as I have the bpms or the 8 click intro to line up.


Offline Cary

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Suppose the bed track was created free - without the handcuffs of a metronome?

Offline sleeker

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Cary: These are only preferences, I would certainly give it a shot "without the handcuffs of the metronome"

Rattlehed: Ye Cubase has a built in click that gives me full control of volume etc. and the 8 click intro helps to line it up, personally I prefer to track to a click

Pleasuredome/Bassic soul: Most of the time i only need to ask and there's no problem, but I thought it may be interesting to find out other peoples thoughts on the matter.

Pleasuredome, if I could sing half as well as you buddy, I wouldn't be trying to play the drums ;D



Roland V Drums

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Thanks S,

Firstly, thanks regarding my vocals, which incidentally, only really took off when I joined CC, I always thought of myself as a guitarist. I put it down to originally that cover of The Rover and the vocal requests stemmed from that!

Believe it or not, I actually think drums (having been taught the rudiments at pipe band training when I was in my early teens) and regularily drive my good wife to distraction by tapping away on the arms of the chairs, my legs etc etc etc etc!!! I would love to play them proficiently and maybe after a lottery win could arrange the necessary finance to allow that to happen.

Good point regarding the non-metronome scenario Cary, I suppose that's the time to 'wing it'! I know the problems I had when I tried to tap a metronome to the original of Uriah Heep's Easy Living......nightmare!

I'll provide whatever's needed re a click, I just haven't posted many songs that have required drums.

My vox is much improved by the way and I'm prancing around like a caged lion just waiting for the moment to LET RIP!!!!!!!!

Offline Jman

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Thought I'd resurrect this old thread. I was reading some comments by Jwoo on another board and his pref for click track is pretty much the same as mine. I am really only posting this because as new collaborators join in they sometimes don't know what is the norm for the various mixes required.

I use a stand alone recorder for my tracking which does have a built in metronome, but the volume of that metronome is weak even when cranked to the max. So for me a solid click track I can adjust the volume separately on is really benificial.

Here is Jwoo's comments I was referring to: Hope he doesn't mind that I used his words :)

In fact I'd suggest...(for future reference... if you post separate parts of a song like this for folks to track their parts to... you make them ALL clickless and post a separate click track.

The main reasons for this are that some folks (LIKE ME)... need to be able to adjust the volume of the click separately.. AND we'd need a clean scratch track to be able to provide a demo back to you that doesn't have the click in it... We'd be unable to remove the click if it were on both channels.. it woulkd always be in the mix.

It also helps to have a sound (as a click) thats completely different than something that will be used in the song.. (like swishing hats)... as the thunk of a cowbell is more likely to grab and HOLD my attention during the tracking process.. if that makes any sense.

A distinct click different than the drum parts is nice, as he states. When the click is the same as a drum part(like the Hi Hat swish for example) besides it not grabbing the drummer's attention during tracking it can get a little tough to tell just how the Hi Hat is sounding as the drummer tracks the song. Just another 2 cents worth  :) J


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