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Analyzing your room and monitors

NickT · 31 · 40726

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Haha the rug might work.  I've also seen hanging thick curtains help a lot too.  Lots of times though the bass traps are problems with corners from what I've seen ... get rid of some of the hard corners and the problems might go away too ... that's what my last room required, turned it into a 45 degree angle instead of a 90 and things came up a whole lot nicer on the scope ;)

Offline CosmicDolphin

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Haha the rug might work.  I've also seen hanging thick curtains help a lot too.  Lots of times though the bass traps are problems with corners from what I've seen ... get rid of some of the hard corners and the problems might go away too ... that's what my last room required, turned it into a 45 degree angle instead of a 90 and things came up a whole lot nicer on the scope ;)

I have two rockwool slabs in frames , One across each corner - they were left overs from when I built the main asborbers so I already had those across the corners but they didn't go all the to the ceiling so I've just stacked unused auralex tiles the rest of the way up.

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Offline CosmicDolphin

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Here we go well as hanging the rug I placed auralex tiles on top of my Pc desk  ;D

Seems to have cleared up alot of stuff  >:D

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Yep that's a significant improvement.

and cheap  ;D
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Offline r4m

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What could I do about this:

Offline CosmicDolphin

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What could I do about this:

 :o Use headphones to mix  :o

Seriously though, it depends.  If you're mainly DI'ing guitars to play on collaba then it wouldn't really matter how the room sounded. If you're mic'ing stuff up or wanting to make decent mixes then there's probably quite alot you could do for not much money.

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Offline r4m

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I'd like to mix better.
As you can room is 6ft from the wall in front of my computer to the wall/ door behind where I sit.
Then from the wall on my right to the furnace on my left is 6ft, but 10 ft to the wall on the other side of the furnace.
The furnace occupies about half the space to my left.

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This is behind where I sit. I'm kind of cramped!  :D

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Doesn't look great

Can you draw a plan ?

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Offline r4m

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What do you mean? A layout of the room?

I know my chances of doing anything proper in this room are next to impossible!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 05:48:13 PM by r4m »

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Dude!! You got shoved down to the furnace room?  ;D :D  I think the easiest thing to do is a bit of rearranging and then work from there. Get rid of the tall bookshelf/computer desk and get a flat desk. Put a couple of those things in storage elsewhere. Simplify! Here's how I would do the room if it was me.

Offline CosmicDolphin

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Dave's right

You need you monitors firing down the longer axis of the room , across ways cause you the most acoustic problems. A heavy curtain for some bass trapping may help. You're monitors aren't even level so I'd get them stood on something - don't think the desk you have now is helping, it's more like a wardrobe and will reflect alot of sound .

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Offline r4m

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Geeez Dave! Nice diagram compared to mine!! :D
I think you have a good idea. Not sure what desk would fit that spot?
I'll get it some thought.

BTW....Yea! The furnace room!!  >:(


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