Hi everyone and thanks in advance for any help or insights you may have !!!
I write a lot of progressive rock pieces that have multiple time sigs and multiple tempos in one Cubase project, for myself it is very easy to export and import midi files as they will retain the time sigs and tempos, BUT I find it is a killer to do collabs because not everyone can or will track from the original midi bed, and they shouldn't have too !!
In your opinion, what is the best way to deal with collabs that have these, do I just make one project with a prefixed audio click after I import the one rendered bed audio done form the original midi bed, so no one has to worry about the time sig or tempo, osr should everyone be forced to track against the original midi file which would include time sig and tempo maps ??
The reason I am asking is that for me, if I track with the original midi file, I like the ability to SNAP my clips to bars & beats and it is easier for me to cut and paste that way, but if I just import an audio bed into a general project without regards to tempo or time sig, I lose that ability, which slows me down... any ideas