Musicians Collaboration Studio

Compress it or not

Paulo · 2 · 12081

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Well, I agree with most of what this guy sais... We are all deaf these days, the records sound all more or less the same.
Live the best you can 'cause you're gonna be dead for a long time.
Paulo Gomes


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Ive known about this "Turn Me Up" thing for sometime now.

Charles is a really good mixer and Ive been studying his mixing techniques for over a year now...definately someone you can learn from.

My mixes are much lower in volume and more dynamic now as well.

Charles Dye is the first person to do a mix "Inside The Box" which basically means he used computer software/DAW and plugins to do the mix.

Hit song he mixed was called "living la vida loca".

I would suggest anyone who wants to improve at mixing to pick up his "Mix It Like A Record" DVD...Its helped me tremendously.

Some people say the DVD isnt that great however I has some great mixing techniques that will evolve your mixes to another level.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 06:34:11 AM by Vincent »


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