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Benny · 77 · 55342

Offline Paulo

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... Lately I've been trying to emulate one kind of desk in all of the channels, with the exact same comps and eqs from the SSL desks in all channels...

... Oh!!! I don't think that I'm a great mixer but my mixes are sounding more coherent to my ears only by doing this...

... There's some more stuff going on but, the basic sound that I'm starting to recognize comes from the same pair of comp and eq.

Yeah, that´s my starting point as well (opposed to what I did in the past just tweaking presets ;D).
I start with the SSL plugin on my channels - most of them - and try to dial in the sound I like by substracting EQ moves as opposed to adding frequencies.
I also have all my tracks set to -8db to have enough headroom in case of adding stuff.

2 of us thinking the same, can't be bad
Live the best you can 'cause you're gonna be dead for a long time.
Paulo Gomes

Offline CosmicDolphin

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I don't bother , but sometimes I try it on certain tracks and it works...others not so much  >:D

I do quite like Waves NLS on the 2 buss though

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten


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