Musicians Collaboration Studio

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Good to see some action here!!!
 I like what I'm hearing too!!! Great collab!

Much thanks as a group to everyone involved both online and off! It's been quite some time since I felt to energy and excitement of a collaboration at MCS and it feels great!

Special thanks go to Andy for suggesting the initial idea for a collaboration, for seeing the potential in my rag-tag lyrics, for his stellar job on bringing so many talented people together and for laying down the powerful bass track.  Thanks, Andy, I'm glad we could finally collaborate on a song!

My further special thanks of course go to, Nick T, for providing the platform where such fine collaborations take place and the time-consuming work you provided on such a professional mix and mastering!  Thank you for your interest and participation on this song, Nick!

Big thanks to Bill for contributing his magic to the final arrangement, keyboards, synths and guitars. Your work more than carries the song, it stands out and !

For bringing my humble lyrics to life (a role that always has special meaning for a lyricist), my parade of thank yous must next stop at George and your driving vocal track. Thank you, George, for such a strong vox treatment and for throwing your vital hat into this collaboration.

And last but not least, as Alex is currently not a member of the forum, I'll extend my great appreciation to him through Andy for contributing the solid drum track! Much thanks, Alex!

Now if you all don't mind, I have to step out but I'm going to bring this track with me to listen in the car. Thanks again to all and I hope we can work on another great collaboration again sometime!

Best to all,


Thrilled to post up this song set to very cool lyrics from Mike (Centra).

It was really nice to have several of MCS's well-known names on board.
Super performances from everyone, and a special shout out to Billy for the perfect 80s style prog-rock arrangement, and to Nick for spending many a hour refining the mix.

Mike, thanks for nudging me to write new music. It was nice to finally get to collaborate with you, it only took 14 years!

I think the end result is spectacular.

Circling The Drain  (Lyrics - Studiolyricist)


Planets dart and dance
Move in unison
Vibrate to the rhythm
Of the cosmic hum

Lightning in the sky
Splashes on the waves
Echoes in the forest
Firelight in caves"

Are there jealous worlds watching afar?
Do they have no inkling where we are?

The glint of an alien telescope
Skims the galactic plane
When our ticking time bomb floats into view
While circling the drain
The signals fly in vain
Neurons multiply
Ideas circulate
Toxic mix of tongues
Viralizing hate

Figureheads emerge
Weapon-wielding hands
Displaced populations
Confiscated lands

Will the better worlds reach us in time?
Will our pale blue dot rot on the vine?

Solo:  over verse chords

Repeat Chorus x 2

Mike Centra: Lyrics, original vocal melody
Andy Gupta: Original music, bass
Billy Playle: Final arrangement, keyboards, synthesizers, guitars
George Williams: Lead & backing vocals
Alex Zulaika: Drums
Nick Testa: Mix/Master
Finished Works / Re: You Matter So Much To Me (SmithC/AndyG/r4m/J/Alex/NickT)
« Last post by AndyG6508 on February 06, 2024, 11:14:26 AM »
Mike, J, Mimmo,

Thanks for the listen and comment. It did turn out well.
Hi Mimmo,
Thanks for listening and the compliment!
It would be nice to see MCS get busy again, for sure.

Another great collab!
Good to see thinks happening here!!!
Thanks for the kind comment, Mike!
Fantastic and amazing work, everyone! Absolutely enjoying all the new tunes hitting the forums!  :)
Another great collab!
Good to see thinks happening here!!!
Finished Works / Re: You Matter So Much To Me (SmithC/AndyG/r4m/J/Alex/NickT)
« Last post by Mimmo on February 05, 2024, 07:11:29 AM »
This was a great listen!!! Great mix and also master.
Finished Works / I will Go
« Last post by Mimmo on February 05, 2024, 06:17:42 AM »
I while back I re this lyrics and after finding a track to work with I made it in to a this song!!! Enjoy!!!
 Thanks to Andy and Terry for theyir help and suggestions.

Music by Terry Sounders
Lyrics by Andy Furlong
Vocals-Back-up Vocals-Production and Mix by Dom Mercurio

        I WILL GO       
Sanctuary rolls its eyes
Kicks me when I'm down
And reminds me why
I'm here and what I am
Striving to take charge of existence
Gotta push away the negative
Hang on to the positive
Raise my chin and strive
Reach the highest height
I will go without fear, I will go,
 I will go, without a doubt,
I will go
'Cause I know what it's about
We are all the same and ride...... life's river flow
And for that reason
I will go And for that reason
I will go
Death can drum,  its fingers
Grinning wickedly
But I’m busy,-
I've got some more work to do
A voyage of discovery
While there is still some time     
Gotta push away the negative
Hang on to the positive
Raise my chin and strive
Reach the highest height

Stand up to the clouds so dark
Look at life's question mark
Find strength from deep inside
Carry on with eyes... open wide
Finished Works / Re: All That We Need
« Last post by AndyG6508 on February 04, 2024, 02:22:09 PM »
Hey guys,

Lovely to see this song completed, it's been a while :). Really nice chords in there, Nick.

I can't help being super impressed with the original performances- guitars, keys, slide and Steve's heartful vocals.

Nick - this must have been a beast to mix, with all that instrumentation.  To my ears, the snare could have drier, but it's a matter of personal taste.

I liked the LANDR master better, sounds more organic/warm.

UPdate: Nick, I like your original master too!

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