Musicians Collaboration Studio

Monkey See Monkey Do

r4m · 12 · 18790

Offline r4m

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As always, Great bunch of folks to play music with around here!
Thanks for helping me get this junk off my mind.
I've been bothered by the fake faith healers and such taking advantage
of people. They claim to heal people and if the person isn't healed they blame
it on the person due to lack of faith. They live lavish lifestyles at the expense
of poor and people struggling just to get by. They have been exposed and continue.
They give the church a bad name!  They are a false religion.
They seem to copy one another. Hence the name "Monkey See Monkey Do.
Rant over ....

Nick................mix and master
r4m................lyrics, guitars and bass

Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey see monkey do
the so-called prophet reads the room
collect a survey at the door
smack them down in the name of the Lord

(Silver and gold have I much)

Silver and gold have I much
empty your pockets leave your crutch
build my empire play my game
on to the next town, do the same

prophets and healers war
masses return for more
politics are your new religion
you are drowning but think you're swimming

Wizardry in the name of Almighty
As the elect call out your er
Rebuild the tower of Babel
Your fate will surely meet you there

You blind your followers with threats from above
you disguise hate with love
Make no mistake, one day you'll stand
in judgement at Almighty's hand

Silver and gold have I much
empty your pockets leave your crutch
build my empire play my game
on to the next town, do the same

prophets and healers war
masses return for more
politics are your new religion
you are drowning but think you're swimming

Wizardry in the name of Almighty
As the elect call out your er
Rebuild the tower of Babel
Your fate will surely meet you there

You blind your followers with threats from above
you disguise hate with love
Make no mistake, one day you'll stand
« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 08:06:42 AM by r4m »

Offline napoleonboot

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This sounds great. A pleasure to work on.  8)

I did have initial wobbles, firstly struggling to make sense of the AI vocals Bill had put in his guide track, and after that thinking the backing sounded like Alter Bridge, so trying (and failing) to sing in an Alter Bridge style. Then Bill told me just to make it my own, so I did, and it was then an easy ride. I just needed a kick up the ass.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 03:35:46 AM by napoleonboot »
George can often be found playing stringy things, and singing...

Offline NickT

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Great job guys!

It was a pleasure to mix.!


"...My life just Ain't TV..."

Offline PVD

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Well done, nicely crafted and performed.


Offline j

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I missed this the first time around!! Great song, perfectly executed! This mix is so alive!! Great job on this!

You guys are getting good! :)

Offline r4m

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Thanks Paul!

Jay, I know there are alot of keys in the mix that aren't prominent, but they add character!  Thanks!!

Offline j

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 :) no worries! It’s always overkill from me. I’m just glad you used some of it. I hear it where it counts!

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Offline AndyG6508

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Super performances and mix, good to see the MCS stalwarts at work :)


Offline j

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Or one of these, if it better fits.

Offline Donna

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Tight, really well-structured lyric. An unfortunately true tale and never more topical than now.
Fantastic musical and vocal performance.
Well done, everyone.  :)
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline r4m

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Thanks Andy and Donna! Really appreciate the listen and compliments!


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