Musicians Collaboration Studio

Sharpen our Teeth on Your Bones

Donna · 39 · 50060

Offline Donna

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Thanks for dropping by, AJ. Glad you enjoyed the song.  ;)

Lads, we've garnered a few more accolades.  :)  Thrilling to know that people appreciate the hard work and dedication that you all put into this song. :)

Guitar sings right from the start, sweet. Nice driving rock tune. Cool vocal. Great Album Rock. Nice one. (Jeff)
Rocks good, tells a hard story. Enjoyed. (Mike P.)
Hey, Donna, you surprised me with this one in this style. 
Everyone involved did a wonderful job. My compliments to the musicians, the singer,the engineer and of course to you.
Some very cool lyrics in here, great job, Donna. 
Now for the song!    ;) Okay you have succeeded here on the professional end of things. You have something in this that you can pitch for film/TV.
This is because of the level you took everything to and the work invested in it.
Great move! You will ALWAYS command respect when your songs come across like this. (Mike C.)
Great lyric! Very intense message...and I think it's very relevant today. And the music has all that energy there to express those feelings in the lyric. (Kristi)
Really good song. Enjoyed my listen. I was thinking Eddie Van Halen as I listened. The lyric and performance are both filled with tension and angst. Bonus points for that! This is top shelf. Nice job. (Al)
My goodness Donna, you are a little bent. A necessary ingredient in a songwriter. ;)
I always liked your work. Now I like how you think. Good write. (Tom)
This is really fabulous and "rockin'"!! You did a fantastic job with the lyrics. You can definitely feel the energy, and the angst in this one.
Very good write and production. (Gail)
Kudos for making a hard rock song with an intelligent lyric. (Scott)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 05:03:07 PM by Donna »
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline AndyG6508

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It's wonderful to read the continued kind reviews.

And it's true that your lyric and Bobby's bedtrack made a great fit!!


Offline CosmicDolphin

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Very very good...everything is top notch  ;)

Nice mix , I like the drum sound Nick  8)

We never finish a mix... we simply abandon them.
You can't polish a turd, but you can always spray paint it GOLD
Great songs are not written, they are re-witten

Offline NickT

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Thanks CD!

Very very good...everything is top notch  ;)

Nice mix , I like the drum sound Nick  8)


"...My life just Ain't TV..."

Offline Thunder

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Very very good...everything is top notch  ;)

Nice mix , I like the drum sound Nick  8)

Ditto ;)

Offline NickT

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I had another take on the mix.  I found this on my hard drive.  I have zero/none of the plugs I used 15 Years ago!

So this was a mix with faders at zero.

But it was fun.



"...My life just Ain't TV..."

Offline Donna

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Oh my goodness!   :D How amazing to hear this updated version after so many years. Thanks muchly, Nick. Great work again on this one.  :)
Honour the Earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Offline AndyG6508

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Hi Donna,
Nice to see you on here, it's been a while since we last communicated.

Oh my goodness!   :D How amazing to hear this updated version after so many years. Thanks muchly, Nick. Great work again on this one.  :)

Offline AndyG6508

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Hi Nick,

The remix sounds awesome! Very full and packs a punch.

If I were to nitpick, maybe the top end (specially the drums) could be tamed a smidgeon. And a touch of more body to the snare and kick.

The drums are great, looking at the credits, I see it was Todd.

I had forgotten that I had played the organ track as well :).

I wouldn't mind redoing the bass, I can give you a much better sounding track.

In the meanwhile, if you could post a wav file, please.


I had another take on the mix.  I found this on my hard drive.  I have zero/none of the plugs I used 15 Years ago!

So this was a mix with faders at zero.

But it was fun.




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