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Vocal setups


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I do what Mick mentioned.  I add reverb and compression to the track and turn on "Input Echo" so I can hear the effects real-time as I record.  The compression just makes it sound cooler, like you're on the radio.  I've never heard of anyone else using compression for that, but I found by accident that it it improves my confidence level.

Some reverbs DO distract me, but the trick is to try different reverb patches and find one that doesn't.  Then turn down the reverb's level so it's not so loud.

I've recorded dry also, but I don't get much emotion out of my voice.  John Lennon reportedly gave lousy performances if the engineer didn't pipe the right level of 'verb into his cans.


Offline McLovin

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Chiming in.  I record completely dry.  While you might not feel confident without your verb,.. i almost guarantee your over all performance will be better (because you are hearing the truth).  Verb and delay mask pitch and performance errors.  I would also suggest you use your condensor mic.  The only thing that gets tough sometimes is controlling level.  A compressor can help with that but again,.. the more you do it,.. the better you will get at mic control.

The pro's record with and without effects.  Whatever makes em feel good.  It is a preference thing.
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Thanks for the replies gang.  :) I will (one of these days) give some vocals a try. Just don't laugh too hard!!  :-X

Offline Pleasuredome

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Absolutely agree guys regarding the actual track recorded having to be dry, although it can help the creativity and the mood to have some reverb through the cans. 8) :D :D

I have seen me push the headphones against my ear to emulate the finger in the ear technique often used when I am wanting to be absolutely accurate with pitch.

If you sing from the heart you will win every time guys, as holds for any musical instrument!!! :) :)

Offline Gerk

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If you sing from the heart you will win every time guys, as holds for any musical instrument!!! :) :)

It helps when your name is Pleasuredome ... I can sing from the heart -- and still scare all the cats out of my neighbourhood  >:D

Offline NickT

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Patty and I were driving around listening to Mr. Dome today!

It was great!


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Offline Mimmo

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Absolutely agree guys regarding the actual track recorded having to be dry, although it can help the creativity and the mood to have some reverb through the cans. 8) :D :D

I have seen me push the headphones against my ear to emulate the finger in the ear technique often used when I am wanting to be absolutely accurate with pitch.

If you sing from the heart you will win every time guys, as holds for any musical instrument!!! :) :)
I have to agree here also .
I use a phantom microphone (Studio Project) through the mixer,  I have effects on there but choose not to use them when I record, I will use them as I work on learning the songs I do like to sing with verb and such, sometimes when ready, I will compress the vocal track before I mix it in with the rest of the tracks.
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Offline Studioplayer

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If I can get around to setting up my mic then I'll try it dry. Not sure how that's going to work but I'll give it a try. I think I might scare the cats as well though.  :-X

Thanks for the replies guys. Maybe in another life I could get to Steve's 'wall of sound' level of singing. I'd be happy to just sing half decent. :)

Offline Pleasuredome

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Thanks for that Dave 8) 8) 8)

You just sing and sing and sing bro, but with heart, that's the key!!

Things then just build and grow with confidence :) :)

My wall of sound is usually only 3 part harmony, with each harmony sung 4 times, there is no rocket science involved and anyone can do it 8) 8)

The only thing that you have little control of, is the timbre or actual sound of your voice, but even then, look at the diversity of singers from Pavarotti, Axl Rose, Plant, Jimmy Sommerville, Boy George, Bono, Joe Cocker,Lou Reed, Dylan, Rod Stewart, Sting etc etc

Offline CosmicDolphin

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The only thing that you have little control of, is the timbre or actual sound of your voice,

Oh Shit  :(
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Offline NickT

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The only thing that you have little control of, is the timbre or actual sound of your voice,

Oh Shit  :(

LOLOLOL!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Offline Pleasuredome

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I did go on to quantify it by using the examples of the diversity in vocalists!!!! :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline CosmicDolphin

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I did go on to quantify it by using the examples of the diversity in vocalists!!!! :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You're a singer Steve......I am a vocal stylist  8)

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Offline NickT

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