Oh well, now I'm a bit surprised. Steinberg platforms got a plugin called "Externalizer" and I came across it a thousand times and never cared to know what it is. Yesterday went through Nunendo's manual to read about that plug. It is usefull to mix with phones as it simulates the room and the position of the monitors. To be honest I got septic, still I loaded it up in the master section and tried mixing with it late night... Went to sleep at about 3 am
... Today I loaded that mix again, turned off the plug and listened through the monitors. The results are miles away better than what I thought. .The mix is almost done, only a few tweakes needed...
... From what I experienced, most of the mix is correct, including balance between the instruments... I only need to tweak the eqs on the guitars that appear to be arsh, listening through the monitos, other than that, I'm surprised.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 07:34:55 AM by Paulo »
Live the best you can 'cause you're gonna be dead for a long time.
Paulo Gomes